Masters thesis guidelines

A master's thesis is an academic research paper required for the successful completion of a master's degree program. It is an independent piece of work that demonstrates student's ability to conduct in-depth research, analyze information, and contribute to the academic and professional community in their chosen field. 

We strongly urge you to commence your work promptly and adhere to the stipulated deadlines. Both the master's thesis and the accompanying internship courses collectively account for 22 ECTS credits, forming an indispensable component of all SPbPU MSc programs.


Submitting proposal and task - February 2025
Final thesis submission - 2 weeks prior to the defence date
Feedback and third party review - 10 days prior to master thesis defence date
Originality check - 10 days prior to master thesis defence date
Uploading master thesis defense documents to Final State Assesment portal - 10 days prior to master thesis defence date
Public master thesis defense:

  • Power Plant Engineering - June , 2025
  • Nuclear Engineering - June, 2025
  • Electrical Engineering - June, 2025

State Examination Boards 


  • Power Plant Engineering

    A comparative study of different working fluids used in the Organic Rankine Cycle for combined cycle power generation

    Application of a gas turbine for water desalination

    Application of Savonius Wind Turbines for electricity generation to power highway lamps

    Comparison of the supercritical Brighton cycle and other energy cycles, in terms of thermal efficiency and expediency of use for various heat sources

    Ensuring reliability and safety of nuclear power plant equipment via probabilistic safety analysis

    Feasibility study of implementing and integrating gas turbines in a commercial nuclear power plant

    Feasibility study of the use of the Brighton supercritical cycle on carbon dioxide in power plants

    Hydrogen generation at TPP by recycling municipal solid waste

    Integration between a CHP and clean hydrogen production unit

    Joule and Rankine cycle fundamental parameters' impact on the effectiveness of a combined cycle

    Life Cycle Assessment of Green hydrogen: Wind-based hydrogen vs Solar-based hydrogen

    Numerical Simulation, Technical and Economic evaluation of Multi-Effect Desalination Systems using MEDMPS

    Numerical study of flow and heat transfer features of different nanofluids in compact pipes

    Operating modes optimization of block combined CHP

    Optimization of night modes operation of CHP

    Thermodynamic and Economic Modeling and Optimization of The Steam Extraction from The Secondary Loop of A Light Water Nuclear Reactor For Cogeneration Applications

    Thermohydraulic calculation of the primary circuit heat exchanger for a MSR (

    Research of Biomass potential in Mersin, Turkey, and Evaluation of its impact on the Regional Economy

  • Nuclear Power Engineering

    Analysis of reactivity change due to burn up in VVER1000 reactor using program WIMS

    Analysis of the steady-state thermal-mechanical behavior of oxide fuel rods for high burnup in VVER 1000 reactor using FRAPCON

    Analysis of using thermal non-destructive evaluation method for diagnosing Nuclear Power Plant pipeline wall thinning

    Application of gene expression programming and single-heated channel approach in developing a correlation for coolant temperature of VVER 1000 reactor in steady-state

    Comprehensive analysis of VVER 1000 spray system performance for postulated severe accidents using CONTAIN code

    Developing a multiphysics solver of LOFA accident for VVER1000 reactor using numerical methods

    Developing a set of steady-state correlations for maximum fuel temperature in VVER 1000 reactor using gene expression programming and COBRA

    Сomparative analysis of regulation documents in the field of arrangement and operation of localizing safety systems for Nuclear Power Plants

    Сomparative analysis of regulation documents in the field of Nuclear Power Plant safety assurance

  • Electrical Power Engineering

    Analysis of features of superconductive inductive energy storage with quasi force free winding

    Analysis of industrial communication protocols for power grid automation

    Arresters for protection of electric generating plants

    Development and optimization of high voltage test transformer

    Development and research of medium frequency flash butt welding transformer

    Development of software for design of film capacitors electrodes

    Influence of skin-effect on thermal distribution in overhead line conductors

    Insulation in High Voltage Power Transformers

    Modeling of the electrolytic grounding electrode under lightning impact

    Modeling of the parallel grounding electrodes under lightning impact

    Modelling of the connection between grounding conductor and electrode under lightning i

    Optimization of Solar Panels Performance

    The analysis of 110 kV transmission line modernization and protective relaying choice

    The analysis of substation modernization by integrating the new technologies in power

    Use of Milliken conductor insulated wires to reduce skin effect In large cross-section of power transmission lines

    *Full length thesis are available in SPbPU Electronic Library


     Master thesis manual 

     Abstract requirements.

    List of advisors and tentative topics 2024



    Yaroslav Vladimirov
    Official duties
    ответственный за научно-исследовательскую работу — Institute of Energy
    Заместитель директора института  — Institute of Energy
    Ведущий научный сотрудник  — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
    Gzhatskaya st.27, HSNHPE, 2nd floor, room 3
    корпус ТВН Гжатская 27 а кабинет 210
    Natalia Donmez
    Official duties
    ответственный за информационные ресурсы — Institute of Energy
    ответственный за работу с иностранными студентами — Institute of Energy
    Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
    Ведущий специалист  — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
    International students coordinator
    Main building, office 313