Higher School of Power Engineering

The Higher School of Power Engineering was formed in 2019 on the basis of the departments "Turbines, hydraulic machines and aircraft engines", "Compressor, vacuum and refrigeration engineering", "Engineering of power plants and vehicles".

Scientific section "Research of turbines and aircraft engines" supervisor Rassokhin Victor Alexandrovich, Ph.D., professor, tel.: +7 921 956 89 60, e-mail: rassohin_va@spbstu.ru, v-rassokhin@yandex.ru

Unique equipment - powerful blower station with total capacity 4.3 MW, bench for the study of heat transfer and hydraulics of the cooled blades of gas turbines with the parameters: Тr = 500 - 1000°С, рr = (1,25 - 2,5) atm, Гr = 0,5 - 2,5 kg/sec, the sizes of a working zone 100*400 mm, it is possible to install blades l=50-100 mm, b=25-250 mm, Re=(1-10)*105, M=0,25-0,75 allow carrying out of large-scale experiments.

Major scientific research areas:

  • Experimental research of the turbomachinery flow parts and outlet cones
  • Investigation of the cooled blades on the high-temperature stands
  • Optimal design and multi-mode optimization of the gas and steam turbine flow parts
  • Gas dynamics and erosion stability of the moiststeam stages
  • Design of the small-sized turbine generators
  • Strength, Reliability and Diagnostics of Turbines
  • Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC)
  • Numerical modeling using supercomputer facilities

Partners - PAO "Power machines", REP-holding, Proletarsky zavod, UTMZ.

Scientific section "Investigation of hydraulic machines" supervisor Zharkovsky Alexander Arkadievich, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, professor, tel.: +7 911 175 95 08, e-mail: azharkovsky@pef.spbstu.ru

Scientific section "Investigation of compressors, pneumatic systems, compression and gas processing objects", supervisor Kozhukhov Yury Vladimirovich, Ph.D., docent, Tel. +7 812 715 41 64, Mob. +7 921 567 84 91, e-mail: kozhukhov_yv@mail.ru

Scientific section "Research of internal combustion engines" supervisor Galyshev Yury Vital'evich, Ph.D., Professor, tel. +7 812 552 77 85, e-mail: engine@pef.spbstu.ru


Alena Aleshina
Директор  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Main building, office 213
Pavel Nikolaevich Brodnev
Official duties
ответственный за работу со студентами — Institute of Energy
Заместитель директора института  — Institute of Energy
Polytechnicheskaya street, 29, Main Building, office 214, St. Petersburg, 195251
Главный учебный корпус, кабинет 214
Yegor Ilyich Okunev
Official duties
ответственный за работу со студентами — Institute of Energy
Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Panah Mehdi Basati
Доцент ин.  — Higher School of Power Engineering
TECHNOPOLIS POLYTECH, Gazprom section, 2nd floor
Ассистент ин.  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Профессор  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Yurij Vitaljevich Galyshev
Профессор  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Механический корпус
Ассистент ин.  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Ассистент  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Ассистент  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Ассистент  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Ассистент  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Ассистент  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Aleksey Rekstin
Ведущий специалист  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Старший преподаватель ин.  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Power Engineering
Старший преподаватель  — Higher School of Power Engineering