Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
Higher School of Nuclear and Thermal Power Engineering was formed in 2019 on the basis of the departments - "Nuclear and Thermal Power Engineering" and "Thermophysics of Power Units".
Main scientific areas of the Higher School are:
- Modeling of technological schemes of TPPs and NPPs
- Gradient thermometry in power engineering
- Increasing of the solid fuel utilization efficiency in the thermal power engineering
- Increase of the heat-exchange apparatus efficiency by application of the specially shaped surfaces.
- Mathematical modeling of the hydraulic regimes for the heat supply, water supply and sewerage systems Investigations of the two-phase flows in the NPP basic equipment
- Investigations of a possibility of the NPP application for the sea water desalination
- Increase of an effectiveness of the intermediate steam separation and superheating systems for the NPP steam-turbine installations
- Expertise of technologies of anticorrosive protection of metal objects in the process of designing, construction and operation.

Ведущий научный сотрудник — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering

Official duties
ответственный за научно-исследовательскую работу — Institute of Energy
Заместитель директора института — Institute of Energy
Ведущий научный сотрудник — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering

Official duties
ответственный за информационные ресурсы — Institute of Energy
ответственный за работу с иностранными студентами — Institute of Energy
Старший преподаватель — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
Ведущий специалист — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
International students coordinator
Main building, office 313

Official duties
ответственный за международную деятельность — Institute of Energy
ответственный за связи с общественностью — Institute of Energy
Заместитель директора института — Institute of Energy
Deputy Director of International Affairs, Head of the IE Media Group
Gzhatskaya streеt 27 A, High voltage building, Higher school of Nuclear and Heat Engineering, room 2

ТВН, Гжатская 27, ВШАиТЭ, кабинет 7

Доцент ин. — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
Инженер 2 категории — Scientific and Educational Center "Thermal Physics in Power Engineering"

Старший преподаватель — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering
Manager of Methodological work



Ведущий научный сотрудник — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering

Доцент ин. — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering


Старший преподаватель — Higher School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering

Заведующий учебной лабораторией — Учебная лаборатория