Modern problems of boiler engineering

Main research areas

Problems of design and safe operation of steam boilers are solved, including:

  • heat and mass transfer problems;
  • internal boiler processes;
  • circulation stability problems including separation in the drum and obtaining clean steam;
  • methods of reducing emissions of harmful substances and justification of their implementation;
  • numerical modeling of fossil fuel combustion processes.


  • Improvement of environmental performance of low-temperature vortex combustion

We deals with the issues of increasing the ecological performance of low-temperature vortex combustion due to the decomposition of nitrogen oxides on coke particles.

  • Numerical modeling of the process of organic fuel combustion in furnaces of power boilers

With the use of numerical simulation in the software complex ANSYS-Fluent”, the questions of burner design optimization, their placement in the furnace chamber, as well as the implementation of other promising methods to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions to standard values are solved.

  • Increase of ecological indicators of pulverized coal flare by means of staged combustion organization

The problems of using staged combustion to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions into the atmosphere are solved. On the basis of the developed algorithms and models the numerical experiment on determination of the optimal characteristics of the furnace process is carried out.

  • Increase of reliability of boiler and furnace equipment of thermal power stations

The questions of increasing the reliability of drum boiler operation determined by the stability of water circulation in the circuit are considered. The calculations of natural circulation in a complex contour of a boiler unit, which provides the required cooling of evaporator tubes in the absence of stagnant phenomena, overturning, free level and unstable flow regimes, as well as effective heat exchange without heat exchange crisis, are carried out.

  • Optimization of operation of the dust preparation system of the boiler with an intermediate dust hopper

The calculation of the dust preparation system (DPS) is carried out in relation to the given design parameters and combusted fuel. The model allowing to optimize the conditions of input of low-dusty discharge air into the boiler furnace is developed. The peculiarities of the ball drum mill operation in SPP are considered, the grinding elements replacement interval is estimated.

Research team members:

Other members of the team:

Stanislav  Lyamin, postgraduate student of the Higher School of Atomic and Heat Power Engineering;
Roman  Simenchuk, Master's student of the Higher School of Atomic and Heat Power Engineering.
