Politech and Harbin Engineering University: cooperation in nuclear energy.

5 Ноября 2024
Politech and Harbin Engineering University: cooperation in nuclear energy.

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University took part in the 22nd Conference on International Exchange of Specialists in Shanghai.

The conference was dedicated to promoting scientific and technological innovations, finding ways of joint development and attracting global talents. Vyacheslav Potekhin, Director of the North-West Interuniversity Regional Training and Research Center “Politech-Cyberphysics”, Sadeghi Khashayar and Ghazai Sayed Hadi, Associate Professors of the Graduate School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering, Alexey Militsyn, Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Cyber-Physical Systems Management visited Harbin Engineering University and participated in a number of meetings and a symposium on artificial intelligence in nuclear systems.

During the symposium, participants engaged in active discussions on the application of neural networks for nuclear accident prediction, shared the latest scientific achievements in the application of artificial intelligence in nuclear systems, and planned further cooperation, including exchange of graduate students and joint publications.

Prof. Gao Puzhen, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Nuclear Science and Technology at Harbin University, held a meeting with colleagues from Politech. During the meeting, participants discussed the possibility of using new control systems and digitalization in nuclear systems. Hashayar Sadeghi presented a number of mathematical methods to improve the accuracy of neural networks in predicting nuclear accidents. As a result of the meeting, a postgraduate student from Harbin Engineering University will conduct part of his research work at the Institute of Energy, SPbPU in the 2024-2025 academic year. After the meeting, the participants visited the university's nuclear reactor simulator.

At the conference in Shanghai, Vyacheslav Potekhin presented a report on the application of digital twins in modern control systems. In addition, there were several short meetings with representatives of other Chinese universities aimed at developing scientific cooperation with Polytechnic University.

This conference and meetings with colleagues from Harbin Engineering University became an important step in the development of cooperation between the two universities, opening new opportunities for joint research, exchange of students and scientific publications in the field of nuclear energy and artificial intelligence.