Modern Russian CHPPs, as a rule, have been in operation for 40-60 years and have acquired a diverse range of generating equipment. At the same time, the current task of the plant is to introduce the most efficient mode of heat and electricity generation.
Irina Anikina, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Nuclear and Heat Power Engineering at IE has developed software that allows to automate series of calculations of CHPP equipment to search for the optimal operation mode according to the criterion of increasing the marginal income of the plant.
The idea of the program: the actual energy characteristics of the equipment are plotted using digital doubles. The algorithm optimization algorithm includes:
- unloading of model, mode and scenario files,
- conversion before calculation,
- calling the calculation module,
- running the calculations,
- search for values,
- search for the optimal result,
- recording information about the optimal calculation.
The software has been preliminarily tested on digital twins of Yuzhnaya CHPP-22 and Vasileostrovskaya CHPP-7 of PJSC TGC-1. In the test mode savings amounted to an average of 2.5% of fuel, which is equivalent to more than 25 million rubles per month.
The study was conducted as part of the #Priority2030 program.