XLVII "WEEK OF SCIENCE SPbPU" -2018 attracted a lot intrest among students, graduates and scientists of SPbPU, as well as participants from other universities.
The results of the conference at the Institute of Energy and Transport Systems are the folllowing:
- 10 sections were held;
- 325 people participated innn their work;
- including 53 participants from other universities, research organizations and industry in St. Petersburg and 22 speakers from other cities;
- 320 students presented results of their research, among them 5 graduate students,
- 230 reports were given;
- 195 articles were published.
Guest participants of the conference were from the following organizations:St. Petersburg Mining University, Physicotechnical Institute named after A.F. Ioffe RAS, LLC Gazprom Energoholding, JSC Research and Development Institute Girikond, JSC Atomproekt, LLC Scientific and Technical Center Microturbine Technologies, JSC KADFEM Sea-Ai-Es, LLC PC Boiler, St. St. Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers, LLC RN-Vankor, JSC SO UES Karelsky RDU, Lenenergo PJSC, JSC STC UES, Siemens LLC, St. Petersburg State University of Communications named after Alexander I, Institute of Electrophysics and Energy RAS, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", Scientific and Development Association on Research and Design of their power equipment named after I.I. Polzunov, Scientific and Technical Center of the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Cossacks" (STC LLC "SK").
Guest speakers came from:National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute ; Kazan State Energy University; Kazan National Research Technological University; Ural Federal University; Togliatti State University and Samara University.
We are greatful to all participants of the conference for their valuable input!
Reports can be downloaded from the Week of Science website: http://week-science.spbstu.ru/volumes/77/