Alena Aleshina. Women's STEM Series.

9 Марта 2023
Alena Aleshina. Women's STEM Series.

The Director of the Higher School of Power Engineering, Alena Aleshina, is here at the Women's STEM Series.

IE: Happy spring day, Alyona Sergeyevna! How did you find time for this interview? Just look at you - always running, here and there.

AS: Movement is life! (laughs)

IE:Traditionally, we ask all of our guests to tell us a little about themselves. What do you remember from your childhood, school years, and most importantly - why did you spend your university years at the Polytechnic University?

I was born and grew up in the wonderful city of Petrozavodsk. I studied in the mathematics class of Lyceum No. 40. I must admit, it was not easy - about 20 hours of advanced mathematics and physics a week, some classes were taught by teachers of the Mathematics Department of Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU). But it was interesting: some problems were not easy, we would solve them for hours, lessons, but our teachers must have understood the importance of students having to find the solution themselves, even if it took more time than planned. After graduating from high school, I entered PetrSU! As you can see, Polytechnic did not appear in my student life at once. In PetrSU I studied my first two years. As it turned out during my studying at university we had passed all university curriculum in mathematics and physics, even my notes coincided and that's why studying at PetrSU was easy for me!

After the second course I was lucky to transfer to Polytechnic, but it was not easy at first, I had to study not only in the daytime but also at night - it was necessary to complete the difference in curricula, and in order to make term papers on some subjects in the third year, I had to study the material myself and make calculations of the second year. Next I started taking special courses, and it got really interesting! At the beginning of the 4th year, the head of the Department "Industrial Heat Power Engineering", where I studied, Borovkov Valery Mikhailovich, offered me the theme of undergraduate work "Steam-gas plants at supercritical steam parameters", but at that time I knew nothing about steam-gas, or about supercriticality. I had to study these issues on my own, and thanks a lot to the professors of the department, who helped me and answered my questions. We made calculations, prepared articles for VAK journals, I actively participated in conferences and student competitions, it was very interesting! After graduating from master's program, I went to postgraduate school at Polytechnic University, and I was offered to stay on at the department. Since then I have been working at the Polytechnic University!

IE:Is it easier for women to study at Polytechnic than for men? Maybe there is some kind of indulgence or, on the contrary, young women are more organized and united, and any coursework is easier for them?

AS: I would not say that young women are asked less, at least when I studied, the attitude was the same. Women have a more responsible approach to studying, they skip less classes, try to understand the material, and write better notes than boys. If you look at the achievements of the female students at Polytechnic University, we can still give the young men a head start!
Working in a team of almost men, it is necessary to be guided by the new Olympic motto approved in 2021: "Faster, higher, stronger - together", and I try to convey this phrase, added to the motto "together", to my colleagues.

IE:You graduated with a degree in Heat Engineering, but you decided not to go to work in your field and stayed at the university to teach, and now you even manage an entire higher school. What difficulties did you encounter on your way ? What made you stronger and sharpened your character?

AS:When I was a student we were either offered the job of project engineer or designer. Either job seemed to me "static". Polytechnic University, on the other hand, seemed to me the place where I could develop my competencies in different directions, implement various projects and, in general, "be useful". My expectations were met. Of course, there were some difficulties, but "difficulties make us stronger!

I have learned a lot during one and a half years as a director of the Higher School of Power Engineering and I am very grateful to the entire team of the School and we will certainly succeed in everything we have planned!

IE:You have also been developing international activities at the Institute for 10 years in parallel with the scientific and educational processes. How different were the opportunities for international cooperation then and now? Do you remember what your first project-collaboration was like?

AS:Now, on the one hand, it is quite difficult to compare what was in 2013 and now, we are in different political conditions, but on the other hand, the current time is, just like 2013, a time of opportunities to develop international relations with "friendly" countries. In 2013 we, as the Institute of Energy, started practically from scratch and have grown to international educational programs, training Turkish students for Akkuyu NPP and international summer and winter schools with up to 300 participants per year from 25 countries. Of course, conditions have changed, but the accumulated experience and the formed team will allow us to overcome these challenges as well. I wish my colleagues the best of luck in implementing international projects!

IE:Alena Sergeyevna, you are a symbol of femininity, intelligence, courtesy, and incredible energy. Are these qualities innate or do you find time to " improve " them as well?

Thank you very much for the compliments! I think that some of these qualities come from my childhood: 10 years of athletics have not been in vain - discipline, responsibility, efficiency - that's all there!

IE:Traditionally, we ask our interviewees to give advice to our readers. What advice would you like to give to future energy engineers?

AS:I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the female staff of Polytechnic University on the occasion of International Women's Day! I wish you good health, beauty, kindness and happiness!

To the students I wish an incredible thirst for knowledge, and remember, now all the doors are open to you!

To the applicants, current high school students, I wish you to pass the Unified State Exam successfully and to apply for one of the directions of our Institute! With the knowledge that you will receive from us, you will be in demand as a highly qualified specialist!

IE:Our interview turned out to be warm in the spring way. We sincerely thank you.