News on the international activity

2 Марта 2018
News on the international activity

Institute of Energy and Transport Systems has been leading in the field of international cooperatation. 28  professors from the best European universities and research centers, such as Milan Polytechnic University (Italy), Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), Stuttgart Technical University (Germany), Lappeenranta Technical University (Finland) visited IETS in 2017.

International specialists selection comission under the supervision of the head of rector's administration Glukhov Vladimir Viktorovich was held this week. It  confirmed invitation of  Pietro ZUNINO (University of Genoa, Italy), Harald Ludwig SHVARTS (Brandenburg Technical University, Germany), Candido ANCOMA (Ghana), Petr TOMAN (University of Brno, Czech Republic), who have already taught their courses at our institute  and Aram Ashikovich GEVORGYAN (National Polytechnic University of Armenia) and Behhnam ZAKERI (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria), who will be coming to SPbPU for the first time.
"Face-to-face communication with leading international experts is a great opportunity for  students and university staff to learn about advanced international technologies and adopt new practices," the director of the Institute Nikolai Alexeyevich ZABELIN said.