II place: Maria Novikova
Master's thesis: increase of efficiency of cooling towers of Pervomayskaya CHP-14 in summer by adiabatic cooling of air.
supervisor: Skulkin Sergey Valerievich
Electrical systems and networks
I place: Ekaterina Letucheva
Master thesis: Investigation of the asynchronous modes of the power system and development of measures for its elimination by means of the ALAR devices.
supervisor: Sorokin Evgeniy Vladimirovich
Sales activity on the Wholesale Electric Energy and Capacity Market
I place: Vesnin Vitaly Alexandrovich
Master's thesis: Optimization of sales activity of PJSC TGC-1's Pervomayskaya CHPP-14 on the wholesale electricity and capacity market with the application of mathematical modeling methods.
supervisor: Irina Dmitrievna Anikina
II place: Yulia Vladimirovna Ortikova
Graduate thesis: Strategy of participation of the generating company in competitive capacity selection.
supervisor: Olga Valentinovna Novikova
Automation and Information Technologies in Energy Sector
II place: Nikolay Kondrashov
Master's thesis: Development of algorithm of the automatized analysis of emergency case.
supervisor: Popov Maxim Georgievich